Henry VI Part 3
17 October 2021
Watch the play reading
Each reading is brought to life by a company of artists for your enjoyment.
Readings are recorded and released for non-commercial purposes under Creative Commons (BY SA NC) licenses.
directed by Sarah Guillot
“It is a delight to be able to use the New Fortune Theatre in full. As much of the play is based at court, I will utilise the main stage as the playing area for these scenes. Scenes that happen outside of court will be performed in the pit or side aisles as much as possible, apart from the final battle scenes, adding to the sense of the court being insular and removed from the realities of the common people.”
cast in order of appearance:
Izabella Day: King Henry VI
Elizabeth Willow: Queen Margaret, Queen to King Henry
Ruhama Rowe: Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York
Grant Malcolm: Earl of Warwick
Ron Arthurs: Marquess of Montague
Celia Andrews: King Lewis and Ensemble
Jeff Watkins: King Edward IV
Jessica Messenger: Northumberland
Garry T. Saunders: Oxford
Genevieve Moran: Lady Grey, Queen Elizabeth
Kailea Porter: George, Duke of Clarence
Sharon Malcolm: Rivers and Ensemble
Beck Thorman: Hastings and ensemble
Andrew Shugg: Ensemble
Amy Chatley: Prince Edward